Much younger the only thing I ever wanted was to be a teacher for small children.  Life happened and I took another path with the regret of not continuing my education. I still remember My First Little Golden Book like yesterday. In sixth grade, I used to help the first graders learn how to read.  When my own children were in elementary school, I volunteered at the library and read stories to the children. I worked for a large printing company with the privilege of bringing home many books and reading for my three children every night.

I started writing children’s books in 2016 without any expectations or even knowing where I would go with all of this.

This week I made a huge decision. I contacted the admissions office of Vanier College Montreal for continuing education. I will be the ripe age of 59 soon and decided to go back for a two-year program in EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION. I have an information session on March 12 hoping they will accept me for registration and begin classes in September 2021.

Since I plan to continue writing educational/self-care books for children, I should also have the education adding to my credibility for institutions involved in the well- being of children.

Stay tuned!

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